Astrology:Which Zodiac Sign is the smartest?

We all know the 12 Zodiac Signs- Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarious,Capricorn,Aquarius amd Pisces. What is your zodiac sign?Ever wondered about each zodiac sign and their traits? Today, I decided to choose this as a topic, since I personally find it fascinating and interesting! 

First of all, let me show you the traits of each zodiac sign.

People with Aries as their zodiac sign  are active,aggressive,demanding,determined,energetic,fun and ambitious. Tauras are have subtle strength,appreciative,instructive and fun-loving. Geminis are inquisitive,intellegent,wise and intuitiative. Cancers, on the other hand are impulsive, emotional, selective and diplomatic. Leos are generous, faithful, helpful and always have initiative. Virgos are thoughtful, reflective, practical and smart. Libras are quite the perfectionist, truthful, and wise. Scorpios are transient, self-willed, and a sharp, quick-thinker. People with Sagittarius as their zodiac sign are optimistic, philosophical, romantic and artistic. Capricorns are persevering, dominant, willful, personal and shy. People under Aquarius are smart but serious,academic and duplicitious. Pisces have deep imagination, highly reactive, indecisive, and a cheerful optimist.
Did you know that Zodiac signs have elements too? 😊😊😊

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) have intuitive intelligence. They see the possibilities and take the risks. Have you seen some product or service that’s made a bazillion dollars and think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Maybe you did even think of that. It’s the fire signs or the fire in your chart that drives you to make the bazillion dollars, to convince others it can make a bazillion dollars! 😆
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) have practical intelligence, from balancing the checkbook to solving problems in the workplace. The Sheldon Coopers of the world don’t do well in the workplace because you have to solve a problem now that isn’t perfect or ideal, but makes money! 😁
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) have idealistic, analytical intelligence. These signs live in the world of ideas and are associated with socializing. These signs prefer ideas to emotions and love any kind of categorization. Socializing provides stimulation of ideas.😜
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) have perceptive intelligence. They are the ones who understand your motivation and understand how you feel. In Chinese astrology, water is associated with intelligence. Water signs are connected to others and what is the world but others? The word “genius” in the West brings up images of Albert Einstein who was a Pisces. 😋
But then the question is, “Which Zodiac Sign is the smartest?”

Each zodiac sign has its own unique personality. Some are introverts, some are extroverts. Some are cheerful, some are shy. But it is certain that each has its own unique talents. But then admist everything, who is the strongest? 

I, the writer of this blog, after researching and surveying people, think that Scorpio is the smartest among all, due to their wise perception. According to studies, this makes them hard to trick. They see your every motivation regardless of what you say, what degrees you have and what others say.
With that said, every sign is intelligent is some way, to me.

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